Crime & Police News March-May 2017

Crime, Police and Trading Standards news for March, April and May will appear here:


BURGLARY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING took place between 14:00:00 on TUESDAY 06-JUN-2017 and 14:30:00 on TUESDAY 06-JUN-2017 at HURST RD, SOUTHAM.

Unknown offenders have gained entry into the property via a small conservatory window which has been left insecure. Tidy search completed within most rooms of the house. At this time there is an unknown quantity of jewellery missing along with a Mercedes A Class VRM BG**LNT. Keys to a further vehicle were also taken.

Message sent by
Action Fraud (Action Fraud, Administrator, National)

Smishing – the term used for SMS phishing – is an activity which enables criminals to steal victims’ money or identity, or both, as a result of a response to a text message. Smishing uses your mobile phone (either a smartphone or traditional non-internet connected handset) to manipulate innocent people into taking various actions which can lead to being defrauded.   The National Fraud Intelligence Bureau has received information that fraudsters are targeting victims via text message, purporting to be from their credit card provider, stating a transaction has been approved on their credit card.   The text message further states to confirm if the transaction is genuine by replying ‘Y’ for Yes or ‘N’ for No.   Through this method the fraudster would receive confirmation of the victim’s active telephone number and would be able to engage further by asking for the victim’s credit card details, CVV number (the three digits on the back of your bank card) and/or other personal information.   Protect yourself:

  • Always check the validity of the text message by contacting your credit card provider through the number provided at the back of the card or on the credit card/bank statement.
  • Beware of cold calls purporting to be from banks and/or credit card providers.
  • If the phone call from the bank seems suspicious, hang up the phone and wait for 10 minutes before calling the bank back. Again, refer to the number at the back of the card or on the bank statement in order to contact your bank.
  • If you have been a victim of fraud or cyber crime, please report it to Action Fraud at or alternatively by calling 0300 123 2040

Advice from Police in these troubled times:

Acts of terrorism and hate crimes are committed by a small minority of people and are not representative of the public. This is a time for us all to work closely together and unite against those who seek, through violence and extremism, to intimidate or cause fear.

“Therefore we need your help; please remain vigilant and to report any suspicious behaviour or activity on 0800 789 321 or in an emergency always call 999.

“There is also easy-to-remember national guidance of ‘Run, Hide, Tell’ – run to a place of safety, hide in a secure place, when it’s safe to do so, tell police by calling 999.”

For further information about reporting suspicious behaviour visit


Message sent by
Action Fraud (Action Fraud, Administrator, National)

Following the ransomware cyber attack on Friday 12 May which affected the NHS and is believed to have affected other organisations globally, the City of London Police’s National Fraud Intelligence Bureau has issued an alert urging both individuals and businesses to follow protection advice immediately and in the coming days.   Ransomware is a form of malicious software (Malware) that enables cyber criminals to remotely lock down files on your computer or mobile device. Criminals will use ransomware to extort money from you (a ransom), before they restore access to your files. There are many ways that ransomware can infect your device, whether it be a link to a malicious website in an unsolicited email, or through a security vulnerability in a piece of software you use.   Key Protect messages for businesses to protect themselves from ransomware:

  • Install system and application updates on all devices as soon as they become available.
  • Install anti-virus software on all devices and keep it updated.
  • Create regular backups of your important files to a device that isn’t left connected to your network as any malware infection could spread to that too.

The National Cyber Security Centre’s technical guidance includes specific software patches to use that will prevent uninfected computers on your network from becoming infected with the “WannaCry” Ransomware:   For additional in-depth technical guidance on how to protect your organisation from ransomware, details can be found here:   Key Protect advice for individuals:

  • Install system and application updates on all devices as soon as they become available.
  • Install anti-virus software on all devices and keep it updated.
  • Create regular backups of your important files to a device (such as an external hard drive or memory stick) that isn’t left connected to your computer as any malware infection could spread to that too.
  • Only install apps from official app stores, such as Google’s Play Store, or Apple’s App Store as they offer better levels of protection than some 3rd party  stores. Jailbreaking, rooting, or disabling any of the default security features of your device will make it more susceptible to malware infections.

Phishing/smishing Fraudsters may exploit this high profile incident and use it as part of phishing/smishing campaigns. We urge people to be cautious if they receive any unsolicited communications from the NHS. The protect advice for that is the following:

  • An email address can be spoofed. Don’t open attachments or click on the links within any unsolicited emails you receive, and never respond to emails that ask for your personal or financial details.
  • The sender’s name and number in a text message can be spoofed, so even if the message appears to be from an organisation you know of, you should still exercise caution, particularly if the texts are asking you to click on a link or call a number.

Don’t disclose your personal or financial details during a cold call, and remember that the police and banks will never ring you and ask you to verify your PIN, withdraw your cash, or transfer your money to another “safe” account.

15-05-2017 01:40 PM BST

Fraudsters are again phoning Warwickshire residents claiming to be from the Telephone Preference Service and asking for credit and debit card details to subscribe to the service or renew the service.

The Telephone Preference Service is a FREE service. The TPS will NEVER contact residents asking for any bank information.

15/05/2017 Bogus ‘BT caller’

15-05-2017 01:39 PM BST

A residents reported receiving an unexpected phone call from someone claiming to be calling from BT to say that the resident had arrears on their landline. When the resident said they were a Virgin customer the caller then changed their tune and claimed to be calling from Virgin!

Doubtless the fraudster was hoping to get the resident to pay their non-existent arrears to them by taking a debit or credit card payment down the phone!

15/05/2017 Bogus Severn Trent caller

15-05-2017 01:39 PM BST

Residents are warned to beware of unexpected calls from fraudsters claiming to be calling from Severn Trent. A Warwickshire householder received such a call but sensibly put the phone down. They later contacted Severn Trent who confirmed that the call was bogus.

15/05/2017 American bogus HMRC caller

15-05-2017 01:38 PM BST

A Warwickshire resident reported receiving a phone call from someone claiming to be from HMRC to say that they were taking a ‘lawsuit’ against him. The resident quickly spotted that it was a scam call and described the caller as having an American accent.

A second resident received a similar phone call, this time an automated one. The automated ‘HMRC’ message told the resident that they should phone a number before legal action was taken against them. The resident phoned the number and spoke to some who claimed that a warrant had been issued for their arrest for non-payment of taxes!

These bogus phone calls are known to HMRC which has issued some additional advice

Make a scam/rogue trader complaint to Trading Standards via Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 03454 040506

Burglary at home in Abbey Lane, Southam

Please be aware that between 3.30 and 4pm on 6 May, a male approached the resident of a home in Abbey Lane, Southam as she was in her garden and insisted that she turn the taps on in her kitchen and the toilet due to high pressure.

Whilst the resident complied and was occupied, two other offenders entered the house and went upstairs to search through drawers and cupboards, stealing items of jewellery.

All three offenders then left the house and the resident saw them walk off.

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Incidents at homes in Collingham Lane & Leather Street, Long Itchington

Please be aware of the following incidents, which have occurred at homes in Long Itchington over recent days:

Incident 273 of 8 May – Between 12noon on 6 and 5.20pm on 8 May, offenders forced open a wooden framed side access door at a home in Collingham Lane, Long Itchington and entered the premises.

Once inside, offenders carried out an untidy search of drawers and cupboards throughout the house before making off with items of jewellery.

Incident 243 of 8 May – Between 11.45am and 12.10pm on 8 May, offenders entered the rear garden of a home in Leather Street, Long Itchington and forced open a rear bay window of the house.  The offenders were then disturbed and made off with an box containing an IPhone 6.

A witness saw 4 people dressed in dark clothing run past the front of the house, towards the main road.

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Burglary at home in Church End, Priors Hardwick

Please be aware that between 9am and 8.30pm on 8 May, offenders entered the rear garden of a cottage home in Church End, Priors Hardwick and then smashed a small glass panel in a wooden framed door.

The offenders then reached through, unlocked the door with a key which had been left in the lock and entered the premises.  Once inside, the offenders carried out an untidy search of the cottage, throwing drawers and clothing on the floor before making off with 2 IPad tablets and items of jewellery.

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Message sent by
Action Fraud (Action Fraud, Administrator, National)

There has been a series of recent incidents reported to Action Fraud where a lone fraudster has approached victims whom they believe to be unfamiliar with the local area. They make an excuse to talk to the victims such as enquiring about directions or offering a recommendation for a good hotel.   After this interaction, several other fraudsters will intervene purporting to be police officers in plain clothes and will sometimes present false identification as proof. The fake officers will then give a reason to examine the victims’ wallet, purse or personal items. They may also examine the first fraudster’s items or try to tell victims that the first fraudster is suspicious in order to gain victim trust and appear more realistic in their guise.   After all the fake police ‘checks’ are finished, victims have then reported being handed back their personal items only to later realise that a quantity of money or valuables were missing.   How to protect yourself:

  • If an individual claims to be a police officer ask for their name and rank, force, and examine any identification presented; this is always good practice but especially important if they are not wearing a uniform.
  • The Police will never ask for your passwords or PIN details. Do not give this information to anyone.
  • The Police will never request that you withdraw/transfer any money to them or to a ‘safe’ account.
  • If you have been affected by this, or any other fraud, report it to Action Fraud by visiting

Theft from porch of home in Horsewell, Southam
Please be aware that between the hours of 11:30 and 17:30 on Thursday 20th April, am offender entered the insecure porch of a home in Horsewell, Southam, and opened several birthday cards which had arrived in the post. A letter and a quantity of cash were stolen.

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Wonga has confirmed a data breach where up to 250,000 accounts have been compromised. The incident is now being investigated by the police and has been reported to the Financial Conduct Authority.

Wonga has updated their website with further information and confirmed that they are contacting all those affected and are taking steps to protect them, but there are also some things you can do to keep your information secure.

Burglary at business premises in Warwick Street, Southam

Please be aware that during the night of 7 into 8 April, offenders tried to force open a single glazed door at a business premises in Warwick Street, Southam but were unsuccessful.

The offenders then threw bricks from a nearby wall through the bottom panel of the double glazed front door and entered the [premises.

Once inside, the offenders carried out a search of the premiseds before making off with 3 pairs of whal clippers, 11 pairs of scissors, hair products and a quantity of cash

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Community information, Warwickshire

There has recently been a number of incidents where Volkswagen cars have been targeted by offenders, both stealing them directly and breaking into properties to steal the keys and then the vehicles.
If you are an owner of a Volkswagen vehicle please review your security arrangements. Wherever possible park it in a garage or where it cannot be seen from the road. If you do not already have it consider installing a tracker device and a good quality alarm system, independent of the vehicle. CCTV and good lighting is also something that can help.
Steering locks can also be an effective deterrent; keep the keys separate to the ignition keys.
If you see anyone acting suspiciously near your property or vehicle please call 101 or 999 if a crime is in progress.

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Scam update and click here to download the April CyberScam newsletter:

Fraudsters are sending out a high volume of phishing emails to personal and business email addresses, pretending to come from various email addresses, which have been compromised.   The subject line contains the recipient’s name, and the main body of text is as below:   “Hi, [name]!   I am disturbing you for a very serious reason. Although we are not familiar, but I have significant amount of individual info concerning you. The thing is that, most likely mistakenly, the data of your account has been emailed to me.   For instance, your address is:   [real home address]   I am a law-abiding citizen, so I decided to personal data may have been hacked. I attached the file – [surname].dot that I received, that you could explore what info has become obtainable for scammers. File password is – 2811   Best Wishes,”   The emails include an attachment – a ‘.dot’ file usually titled with the recipient’s name.


This attachment is thought to contain the Banking Trojan Ursniff/Gozi, hidden within an image in the document. The Ursniff Banking Trojan attempts to obtain sensitive data from victims, such as banking credentials and passwords. The data is subsequently used by criminals for monetary gain. Protect Yourself:

Having up-to-date virus protection is essential; however it will not always prevent your device(s) from becoming infected.   Please consider the following actions:

  • Don’t click on links or open any attachments you receive in unsolicited emails or SMS messages: Remember that fraudsters can ‘spoof’ an email address to make it look like one used by someone you trust. If you are unsure, check the email header to identify the true source of communication (you can find out how by searching the internet for relevant advice for your email provider).
  • Do not enable macros in downloads; enabling macros will allow Trojan/malware to be installed onto your device.
  • Always install software updates as soon as they become available. Whether you are updating the operating system or an application, the update will often include fixes for critical security vulnerabilities.
  • Create regular backups of your important files to an external hard drive, memory stick or online storage provider. It is important that the device you back up to is not connected to your computer as any malware infection could spread to that as well.
  • If you think your bank details have been compromised, you should contact your bank immediately.

Click here to download the March OurWatch newsletter

Burglary at home in Sabin Close, Long Itchington

Please be aware that between 12.30 and 4.45pm on 27 March, offenders entered the rear garden of a home in Sabin Close, Long Itchington and then removed the rear double glazed door.

Once inside the house, the offenders carried out a search of the whole house and entered the garage to interfere with a car which was parked inside.  The offenders made off with items of jewellery and the keys to a large caravan.

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Burglaries at homes in Grange Farm Drive & Tuckwell Close, Stockton

Please be aware of the following incidents, which have occurred at homes in Stockton over recent days:

Incident 385 of 27 March – Between 2.30 and 5pm on 27 March, 3 male offenders, wearing balaclavas, attempted to force their way into a home in Grange Farm Drive, Stockton.  The offenders failed to get inside the house but damage was caused to the wooden door frame and lock.

The offenders were then disturbed and are believed to have made off in a silver Ford Focus vehicle with a partial registration of possibly CU70 M*K.

Incident 366 of 27 March – Between 11am and 6.20pm on 27 March, offenders forced open a rear ground floor window at a home in Tuckwell Close, Stockton and entered the house.  Once inside, the offenders carried out an untidy search of the whole house before making off with numerous items.

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Burglary at home in Napton, Southam

Please be aware that 9.45 and 10.10pm on 17 March, offenders entered a new home building site in Napton and then forced the locks off a metal shipping container.

The offenders stole several items from inside the container before being chased off by a nearby resident.

The offenders left the scene in a cream/ white coloured Land Rover.

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