Crime & Police News August 2016

Here is the local Police SNT Newsletter for July, click here to download

Caravan stolen from home in Burton Dassett

Please be aware that between 1am and 5pm on 26 August, offenders travelled down a track towards a rural home in Burton Dassett and then cropped padlocks off the double wooden gates.

Once on the premises, the offenders stole a white Coachman 470 two berth caravan from the rear garden after removing a cover and hitchlock.

Burglary at home in Dadglow Road, Bishops Itchington

Please be aware that during the night of 26 into 27 August, offenders attempted to break in to a home in Dadglow Road, Bishops Itchington, through a rear UPVC door.  The catflap was smashed and damage was caused to the door but the offenders failed to get inside the house and nothing was stolen.

Burglary at home in Bridge Lane, Ladbroke

Please be aware that between 2 and 5pm on 26 August, offenders removed a rear window from a home in Bridge Lane, Ladbroke and then climbed into the house.

Once inside, the offenders carried out a search before making off.  Nothing appears to have been stolen.


  • Incident number: WK-20160809-0291
  • Date: 10/08/2016SouthamCrime No: 23S6/27145E/16 Incident No: WK-20160809-0291BURGLARY DWELLING WITH INTENT TO STEAL took place between 18:30:00 on MONDAY 08-AUG-2016 and 16:30:00 on TUESDAY 09-AUG-2016 at SOUTHAM RD, LONG ITCHING TON, RUGBY, WARWICKSHIREBetween above times a dwelling has been broken into. Unknown offenders have gained access to the rear garden and then smashed a bedroom window situated at the rear to gain entry. Offenders have carried out an untidy search of the bedroom and kitchen opening all drawers and cupboards. Other rooms have also been entered. It has not been confirmed what has been stolen at this time.