Police Visit 4 June & News May 2015
Please note members of the Southam SNT will be at the Napton PO and Shop on Thursday 4th June between 4 and 4.30p.m. to meet and greet. They will be able to offer advice and offer property marking including large items.
Recent local crime incident:
Inc 222 – 02/05/15 A farm building was broken into in Napton, a blue Alien V4 teenager quad bike was stolen, the handles have blue polka dots, also stolen was a disc cutter, a Stihl disc cutter and a waker plate. If you have any information that would be of help please phone 101 quoting the incident number.
By Cyber Smart:
This phase of #Be Cyber Smart focuses on phishing, malware, passwords, antivirus and the importance of shredding documents containing personal details.
More details are available by visiting www.warwickshire.police.uk/becybersmart or www.westmercia.police.uk/becybersmart or see the below for a quick way of remembering some top tips:
S Shred documents containing personal details before throwing them away.
M Make sure passwords are nonsensical. Use letters, numbers and symbols.
A Always use legitimate and up-to-date antivirus software.
R Remain vigilant. Think before you input or email your personal details.
T Think Phishing. Could that email be from a fraudster trying to get hold of your personal details?
For further information about staying safe online go to www.getsafeonline.org