Parish Council Annual Assembly

NHWDisplayVisitorsPCAGM2015Napton NHW had a great display of their activities at the Parish Council Annual Assembly on Saturday 30th May, thanks to Chris Gait and his team.  Chris also presented the NHW Annual Report shown below.

Review of activities

1) Warwickshire Trading Standards continue to issue weekly lists of scams and rogue trading.

2) Articles covering NHW and Trading Standards issues are published in the Napton Parish News.

3) One Crime Alert was issued during the year.

4) An NHW Newsletter was issued to residents in December 2014, together with a tax disc emergency  contact form.

5) In March 2015 UV pens were distributed to Napton residents to enable them to apply UV marking to their removable property.

6) Preparatory work on the NHW content of the new Napton Parish Council website has been completed.

7) Napton NHW representatives attend the quarterly meetings of the Southam/Feldon Community Forum and Stratford District NHW Association.


Police communication

During the year there have been few NHW communications from Southam Police Station, due mainly to staff shortages. But, there is some better news – the publication of monthly incident summaries recommenced on 21st May 2015.

Rural Watch messages advising details of crimes occurring at rural premises have continued through most of the year; these are issued by a Community Volunteer based at Leamington Police Station. Many local farmers and horse owners are members of this communication scheme.

There is also a Faith Watch scheme for Warwickshire churches and other religious buildings. The church warden of St Lawrence Church belongs to this scheme.



Napton NHW continues to maintain a team of 20 enthusiastic street coordinators who cover a total of 382 households. Whilst most of Napton is covered by Neighbourhood Watch, there remain some properties on the ‘fringes’ of the village which do not have a local street coordinator. Due mainly to the lack of any effective Police communication our team of coordinators has not been able to provide much added value to our residents during the year. The improvements promised by the Police are eagerly awaited.