Crime & Police Newsletter @ 26 March 2016

Please click for the Southam SNT Police Newsletter here

A message from the Rural Crime Co-ordinator to dog owners:

There have been a number of incidents around the country of ewes and lambs being attacked and killed by dogs. 

In Warwickshire we are aware of two possible attacks.

If you have a dog, please keep it on a lead when passing through fields with any kind of livestock, especially with young at this time of year.

Always make sure you know where your dog is, especially if you live near fields with livestock in. Your dog is your responsibility both when you are at home and away.

Please be aware that from 6th April, 2016, ALL dogs in England, Scotland and Wales will be legally required to be microchipped and their details registered on an authorised database. Failure to comply could lead to a fine of £500.

Many thanks for your assistance


Carol Cotterill, Rural Crime Coordinator, North Warwickshire

Trading Standards Updates:

22/03/2016 TPS update scam

Fraudsters are phoning Warwickshire consumers pretending to be calling from the Telephone Preference Service. The fraudsters tell the consumer that they are updating their records and then ask for debit card details! NEVER give out your bank details to unexpected callers. The Telephone Preference service is a FREE service. The TPS would never contact you in this way.


22/03/2016 Failed on-line auction bid led to £1785 loss!

A Warwickshire consumer reported being scammed out of £1785 after an on-line bid he made for agricultural equipment failed. The ‘seller’ then contacted him and offered to sell him the goods directly. The consumer sent the money via bank transfer but the goods never arrived. Warwickshire Trading Standards advises consumers to NEVER purchase goods in this way. Consumers should always pay for goods or services in a way which offers them some protection from fraud, such as using  a credit card.


22/03/2016 Pocket Money Priced Illegal Cigarettes Seized in Support of National No Smoking Day

In support of No Smoking Day 2016, over 38,000 suspected counterfeit and non-duty paid cigarettes, being sold at only £3 for 20, were seized from concealed compartments and ‘hidey-holes’ in stores in Atherstone, Nuneaton, Rugby and Leamington Spa.


21/03/2016 Atherstone MOT and Service Historystone MOT Tester Falsified Van

Haroon Chaudry, an MOT Tester and Director of Rapid Repairs (Atherstone) Ltd has been found guilty of fraud and been sentenced to 26 weeks imprisonment (suspended for 12 months), given 200 hours unpaid work and ordered to pay an £80 victim surcharge and £7000 towards prosecution costs.

18/03/2016 Energy ‘refund’ scam

A Warwickshire resident reported falling victim to a scam email he believed had been sent by his energy firm EDF. The bogus email, which looked very genuine stated that as a loyal customer he was entitled to a £200 refund on his bill. He provided his card details directly via the email. The fraudsters who had sent the email intermediately attempted to steal money from his account, but fortunately his bank spotted the scam and prevented the funds being transferred. If you receive any sort of email from your bank, energy provider or trader you do business with, even if you think the email is genuine, NEVER provide you bank or card details via the email (or a link in the email). If you think the email is genuine, visit the company’s website by typing its name in to the web browser and  using your user name and password to access your account.