Help Us Name Our Unnamed Road!
/in Latest News, Surveys/Consultations /by CourtneyHelp Us Name Our Unnamed Road!
It has been brought to NPC’s attention that the stretch of road between the Butt Hill junction and the Dog Lane junction has no official name. The motivation to name this stretch of road is to provide clarity across all the various systems and eliminate any potential health and safety issues in the event of an emergency.
Currently this stretch of road is known by many different names, so NPC have decided to seek help from the residents of Napton to name this road.
Guidance for providing your name suggestion:
- one entry per resident
- the consultation will run until midnight on 31/10/24
- NPC will decide at the November PC Meeting
- NPC’s decision will be final
How to provide your suggestion (survey or email preferred):
- Online Survey:
- Email:
- Post: Napton Clerk, 6 Russell Close, Long Itchington, Southam CV47 9QG
WCC Rights of Way Improvement Plan Survey: Due 07/04/2024
/in Latest News, Surveys/Consultations /by CourtneyWarwickshire County Council is responsible for around 1700 miles of public rights of way. These paths are both in the countryside and urban areas. They are important for enjoying and exploring, for travelling to work or school and for health and wellbeing. They are part of what makes Warwickshire a special place to live, work and enjoy.
A public right of way is a path that anyone has the legal right to use. There are four types:
- Footpaths for walking, mobility scooters or powered wheelchairs
- Bridleways for walking, horse riding, cycling, mobility scooters or powered wheelchairs
- Restricted byways for walking, horse riding, cycling, mobility scooters or powered wheelchairs and horse-drawn carriages
- Byways for all modes including motorised vehicles
Every council that is responsible for public rights of way must have a Rights of Way Improvement Plan (ROWIP). This is a strategy which sets out how public rights of way meet the needs of the public, now and in the future. WCC’s current Rights of Way Improvement Plan dates from 2011 and now needs to be reviewed.
WCC would like to know about your experience of using public rights of way, how important they are for you and what WCC should include in the new Rights of Way Improvement Plan. Your feedback will help to develop the priorities and actions of the new Rights of Way Improvement Plan, which will be produced later in 2024. Once the new Rights of Way Improvement Plan has been finalised and approved by the council it will be published on Warwickshire County Council’s website.
Click the link below to complete the survey:
If you require a paper copy of the survey or an alternative format or language please email or or call 01926 413427.
Warwickshire Fire And Rescue Service – Consultation
/in Latest News, Surveys/Consultations /by CourtneyWarwickshire Fire and Rescue Service (WFRS) carries out fire and rescue functions on behalf of the Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Authority, Warwickshire County Council (WCC).
WFRS is consulting on a proposed change to its service delivery model as part of its Resourcing to Risk approach. Resourcing to Risk aims to have the right resource, in the right place and at the right time, to keep people safe in their homes, their workplace, their environment and when they are travelling through Warwickshire.
The Service wants to hear views and feedback on this proposal, which aims to optimise the distribution of fire appliances, firefighters and supporting resources so that they better align to risk and demand.
The model proposed by WFRS does NOT plan to close fire stations in Warwickshire.
This consultation summarises the reasons for the Resourcing to Risk proposal and the benefits they think the proposed approach offers in improving how they keep Warwickshire’s communities and people safe.
Consultation Closes 10th March 2024
Your Police, Your Views Survey: Due 22/12/2023
/in Latest News, Surveys/Consultations /by CourtneyThe Police and Crime Commissioner is responsible for setting the police budget each year and, with the Chief Constable, decides how it is spent. He also commissions dedicated local support services for victims, as well as funding crime prevention services to address issues such as drug and alcohol misuse, youth crime and anti-social behaviour.
It is important that they get your views on funding policing and community safety, how it can be improved and what your priorities are for the future.
To do this, they are asking a short number of questions about your views on what is important to you and your experience of crime and anti-social behaviour in the last year.
If you have any queries or would like this questionnaire in an alternative format, please contact:
Napton’s Climate & Environment Survey is LIVE
/in Latest News, Surveys/Consultations /by CourtneyCALLING ALL Under-40s
Please get your questionnaires completed and returned as soon as possible – currently there is a lot more take up from the over-40s so we’d love to hear from our younger residents – after all it’s your planet too, now and in the future!
You can just click on this link: